Wednesday, January 09, 2008

NPR and Food Trends for 2008

Since moving to Austin, I find myself listening to NPR on a daily basis - feeling a bit 'off' if I don't hear Terry Gross promptly at 3pm CST each day. If you live in the area and don't already listen to NPR, tune into 90.5FM from time to time. You won't be disappointed.

Over the past week, there seems to have been a huge surge in news stories and interviews about natural foods, veganism and the cultural movement behind 'real foods'. I was happy to hear a mention of this year being the year that 'vegetarian and locally produced foods will grace more tables' and people would embrace 'exotic grains such as amaranth and quinoa' in Food Trends for 2008.

There was also a fantastic interview with vegan chef power team Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero, hosts of the TV cooking show, The Post Punk Kitchen. They've just come out with a new book, Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook and interviewed with NPR's Liane Hanson over the weekend.

Also, Michael Pollan, one of my favorite writers was on talking about his new book, In Defense of Food. When asked for advise on how to improve health, he offered the sage advice:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.