Monday, December 10, 2007


some food for thought: do you choose your romantic partners based on their eating habits? if so, you may be part of a newly named group known as the 'vegansexuals'.

Potts, who coined the term vegansexuality, says the “negative response of omnivores” to her study has surprised her. Even some fellow animal lovers question the wisdom of vegansexuality. A blog for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals noted that sleeping with only fellow vegans means forgoing the opportunity to turn carnivores into vegans by the most powerful recruiting tool available — sex.

PETA’s founder and president, Ingrid Newkirk, agrees that vegans smell fresher. (“There’s science to prove it,” she says.) But Newkirk is all about the recruiting, even if it means one convert at a time. “When my staff members come to me and say: ‘Guess what? My boyfriend, now he’s a vegan,’ I say, half-jokingly: ‘Well, it is time to ditch him and get another. You’ve done your work; move on.’ ”


Melbourne Hotels said...

The term "vegansexuality" was coined last year by Dr. Annie Potts, co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at the University of Canterbury. After conducting a nationwide survey on cruelty-free consumption, Potts found that a small number of her 157 respondents, most of them women, refused to share physical intimacy with those who eat animal products, both on ethical grounds and because they found the prospect viscerally disgusting.