Friday, September 21, 2007

NE Take Over of Casa de Luz Review - September 9, 2007

Our menu at Casa de Luz, on Sunday, September 9, was vibrant, light, and delicious. Joining teacher Christina Terriquez in the kitchen were Naomi, Melissa, Tina and Maria.

Maria and Tina smile for the camera during a break between plating.

Clockwise from top: Polenta, Roasted Yellow Summer Squash and Roasted Beet Napoleans with Basil Sunflower Seed Pesto, Radish and Red Onion Umeboshi Pickles, Hijiki Olive Tapanade, Sautéed Green Beans and Carrots, Seasoned Chickpeas, and Blanched Greens.

Our menu for the evening:
Light and Velvety Corn Soup
Fresh Green Salad with Spicy Orange Ginger Dressing
Polenta, Roasted Yellow Summer Squash and Roasted Beet Napoleans with Basil Sunflower Seed Pesto and Hijiki Olive Tapanade
Seasoned Chickpeas
Blanched Greens
Sautéed Green Beans and Carrots
Radish and Red Onion Umeboshi Pickles
Close up of the napoleon.

One last parting shot of those gorgeous greens and the napoleon.