Wednesday, December 06, 2006

NE takes over Casa de Luz December 9th

On the second Sunday of every month, five students from the Natural Epicurean Academy of Arts prepare dinner for the patrons of Casa de Luz. Above is a picture of the lovely ladies who cooked in Casa in November.

This month's menu will be:
Creamy Broccoli Soup
Nishime-Style Cauliflower, Onion, And Daikon with Mochi
Adzuki Beans
Double Sesame Rice
Dandelion Green Salad with Raspberry Poppy Seed Dressing
Steamed Greens with Ume Pumpkin Seed Dressing

NE Takes Over Casa de Luz
Sunday, December 9th
$12 all you care to eat for adults includes hot or cool tea and filtered water
1701 Toomey Rd. Austin, TX 78704